Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kimora, where did it all go wrong

She was once hailed" the girl of the nineties" by Karl Lagerfield. She was his muse, a simple girl from St Louis, Missouri at the age of 13 became the face of chanel.

Classy and fabulous with the latest designs and Karl Lagerfield having taken her under his wing, this girl was going in the right direction to become a fashion icon in a few years time. Her 6 foot tall frame, with a skinny fit.

All though she was eating up a storm in the fashion world, at her high school she was " chinky giraffe", who got teased and taunted at by her fellow classmates. Her Chanel bags, her BMW, Rolex watch set her apart from the other school kids.

All was well in the fashion department, until she met Russell Simmons " godfather of hip hop", the style began a changing. The style became more urban, the bling necklaces piled high, strap glitzy stilettos upon her feet.

Until she turned into this;

Her once classy style, turned into a fashion nightmare, the dripping diamonds, low cut cheap looking but expensive clothes.I bet that photo alone makes Karl's stomach turn, her classy style once used to be adored now has become cheap and tacky.

If you are a watcher of her programme" Life in the fab lane " you will see her absolutely charming manners, her low regard for herself, her niceness just shines through.

If you have seen it, you will know that last sentence was complete sarcasm, her behaviour is rather draw dropping, and the fact it has rubbed off onto her children, quite frankly scares me.
I really had to search to find a classy and cute outfit of hers.....