Wednesday, September 14, 2011

wednesday is final YEAR project day!

at UTM, every wednesday is the final year project day.
so i have to sit in lab and do my research...same goes to my other friends,
in order to finish their project in time, so they have to struggle a bit.hee
but as for me, my sv has warned me!!
in taking BIOTECHNOLOGY research here, in UTM.
and my sv is : Prof Dr Wan Azlina Ahmad.
she said biotech is tough! i must be prepared mentally and physically.
i must sacrifice my holidays in order to finish my work,
i must sacrifice my free time,
and the most importang thing is i MUST MUST work harder!!
went to lab until late night,
on saturday and sunday,,,
i hope i can do my best. since this is the path that i have chosen so i must not gave up!!
there are nothing in this world that is EASY~~
i take this as my challenge.
if i succeed, i will be a great student, and a greater person indeed :)

wish me luck.
give me support.
i hope i can finish my degree on time, which is next year.. :) :)

p/s: note to myself,, ::: enjoy your life, keep smiling :) :D