Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wall Graffiti

It was just a couple of days back that hurricane Irene hurtled across the US East Coast, leaving behind lots of rains, water, floods, along with destruction to life and property. 

The Americans did their best to prepare for Irene. Apart from the clinical preparations, what stood out was the spirit of the people. This is beautifully echoed in the pictures below.

Hate Irene Graffiti
Hurricane Irene Graffiti
Hurricane Irene Hopeful Graffiti
You Are Not Welcome Graffiti
Graffiti's commonly give an outlet to the people's thoughts, in the most tense, difficult, and special moments.

If this was about Irene, have a look at some pictures in Libya. A revolution in Libya has almost overthrown Muammar Gadaffi's regime. These are some pictures right when the revolution was its fiery high.

Libya Revolution Graffiti
Libya Graffiti Against Gadaffi
And if you think of wars, one of the first name that would come to your name would be George Bush. He launched an assault in Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban, and later in Iran to take on Saddam Hussein.

People had to resort to street graffiti to stop Bush from starting anymore wars.

USA Graffiti Stop War And Bush
Bush started the pursuit of Osama Bin Laden in 2001. Barack Obama completed his task in 2011. Osama Bin Laden was taken out in a compound in the garrison town on Abbotabad, Pakistan.
Pakistan Graffiti Long Live Bin Laden
Bin Laden seemed to have a huge following in Abbotabad. His legacy will live on in the town.

Moving onto England. When Wayne Rooney contemplated a move to Manchester City from his parent club Manchester United, the fans were furious. This is what Rooney got for thinking about such an audacious move. 

Wayne Rooney Hate Graffiti
This was most ruthless. Rooney and his wife must have spent some sleepless nights after seeing this graffiti threat.

Next stop - Russia. Vladimir Putin is running strong. After becoming the  Prime Minister of Russia, he held the position of The President for 8 years starting 2000. Later, he had his protege Dmitry Medvedev become the President while he himself became the Prime Minister.

Later next year, once again, he plans to contest the Presidential Elections. Considering all this, this graffiti on Vladimir Putin in Russia is not surprising

Russia Putin Graffiti

Moving onto China.

In China - Graffiti Against Capitalism
And somewhere in Germany.

Anti Nazism Graffiti
Need I say more??

Love elicits the best in you. And they say you can paint a town red with Love. Well, this fellow believed in it, and acted accordingly - in spirit and action.

I Miss You Love Graffiti
And then some interesting stuff. This must have been the anger of some parent as he or she saw their child fall in love with Coke. 

Coke Graffiti
Business opportunities come in varied shapes and sizes. If you have graffiti's, you can make money by removing graffiti's. But that doesn't spare you from becoming a victim.

Graffiti Removal Graffiti
Finally, why do people paint graffiti's?

If there is one quote which will summarize the thoughts of a graffiti painters, this is one.

Blank Wall Graffiti

P.S. The credit for these beautiful pictures goes to the painters who painted the beautiful graffiti's. And the men and women out there for taking their snaps. And Google for bringing them to me and you.