Monday, October 5, 2009



My sweeties, yes i've seriously been neglecting you, but ah the drama of life, schoolwork etc. Life is so much different compared to just those few months ago. But i simply adore it, however i simply dont have time to sleep let alone blog. So bare with me for these few weeks, while i get into my routine. My skin is simply dire, im so tired that this morning i woke at 6.30 for a shower and dried my hair but climbed back into bed and may have slept in till 7:30.... Im also totally off coffee due to my new job at costa coffee, i'm telliing you it repulses u after so many cups having to wahs.

Do you like the new blog header, i introduced my darling friend allison over at to picasa colleges as blog headers a couple of months ago but i completley forgot about the delights of them until today when i saw her new blog header and i've been meaning to make a new one.

How cold has it got the last few days? i want to curl up with a blanket, with a cup of cocoa and watch gossip girl.