Thursday, August 25, 2011

chilis and uptown

i just arrive home from uptown KOTA DAMANSARA.
fuuhh, seriously theres so many people there and i can bare walk just now.
and obviously,, the the car park are full!!!
orang sebok nk bli bj rye agak nyer kn..hehe :D
i went there with my sis,
die sebok sgt nk beli perfume black xs since hers dah abeh..
n since this coming eid mubarak, so die pon nk ade perfume bwu,,,
but unfortunately black xs has sold out!! so she bought britney fantasy instead.

ayin sempat grab a few 10ml perfume,
yg pack kecik2 lam botol kecik tu..
one : davidoff cool water 
other one : aigner too feminine spring
due2 wangie! murah plak tu, sbb ktowg customer tetap la katekan! HAHA


b4 i went to uptown i was actually at EMPIRE SHOPPING GALERY subang jaya,
berbuke puase there, with my sis and her friends officemate.
dine at chilis and now im full.

going to bed now, bye2