The night was pitch dark. The bright red light of the mosquito repellent pierced through the darkness.
The fan on the ceiling made a dull lazy sound. In a far distance, a small bell was continuously ringing. It was neither loud enough to keep me awake nor soft enough to let me sleep.
The loneliness of creepy.
The day had been tiring and a sense of guilt pierced through my soul. The emotions were in shambles. And remorse was winning over my mind.
And then came the thought of the day - today - driving away all despair.
Six years back, I tried to recollect whether I had slept peacefully on the same night. Sadly, I couldn't remember that night - though the next day was something which I had eagerly looked forward too.
I said a small Thank You to God for taking care of me on this journey. I recollected all my friends who helped me selflessly all these years. And remembered by family for letting me pursue my dreams.
I harked back my most miserable moments. I recalled my most cherished times. The earlier have made me realise my failings and later have made me more humble.
I tried to recollect what I gained. And despaired over what I lost.
I thought endlessly over the things I thought I gained - were they really worth gaining at the cost of its expense? And I tried to value the things I lost - only to estimate that they were priceless.
I tried to recollect what I gained. And despaired over what I lost.
I thought endlessly over the things I thought I gained - were they really worth gaining at the cost of its expense? And I tried to value the things I lost - only to estimate that they were priceless.
Shared my joy with a few people - who were kind enough to wish me luck.
I worked with a calm mind after a long time. Faced a few challenges - but overcame them with strong thinking.
I made a few resolutions. But ended up breaking them before midnight!!
And ended up writing a blog which reflected my day - the day Joe became a Pro - a long six years back.