Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cathe Holden: Just Something I Made - Petaluma, California, USA

Stylish Shoes

There are many things about women which are very intriguing and difficult to comprehend. 

But if you ask me to take out a top list, this is something which would definitely be among them.

I am talking about shoes - simple shoes. And I have always been amazed by the number of shoes being possessed by the girls.

Now shoes are something which we wear beneath our feet - to help us walk comfortably, both when we are at home and outside home. And if this is to be the purpose of the shoes, then a couple of them would be quite sufficient.

But then, these days, shoes are just not meant to be shoes. They are meant to be style statements. They are supposed to reflect your mood. They are an epitome of your attitude.

There would be several other reasons - which I am unable to comprehend at the moment. But it seems this multitude of factors is the reasons why you would commonly find gals possessing a whole lot of shoes.

So here's a low down of a few attractive and useful variety of shoes which are in circulation in the market.

Starting with the humble Sandal.

This is the most simplest and basic of all women shoes. Quite easy to wear, it can come in stylish looks too. And the best part is that it offers a lot of fresh air to the feet, making it one of the most liked footwear.

Next comes another simplistic footgear - the slippers.

It is worn commonly at home - and is usually loved for its simple look and comfort feel.

Then come sneakers.
They have become an integral part of Friday Dressing for women. Needless to say, they are preferred footwear for gals - at games, at casual outings, and similar such occasions. 

And for formal clothing, women need not depend on a particular style of shoes. A lot of trendy formal shoes are available - like the one below - which makes formal dressing quite simple.

Such shoes are characterized by elegance and grace.

Many a times, you will also find women wearing high heels on formal occasions.

These are equally graceful. While it would help a woman with a slightly lesser height look tall, it is also worn by tall women to make them stand out further.

Slingback shoes too are similar in design - with a strap extending behind the heel.

Coming next are boots.

Commonly made of leather, they stand long - usually extending just right below the knees. They too are worn on formal occasions. You would also find them quite popular in countries where bad weather due to snow or cold is quite common.

And then you must have heard about globe trotting celebrities - partying their way away on yachts. Usually they are accused on not knowing what to wear on the yacht. They are commonly spotted wearing high heels - and are later accused of damaging the floor of the yacht.
To avoid joining their league, next time when you go on a yacht or a boat - put on a pair of Boat Shoes.

While these shoes are commonly used for regular wear, there are some other which are used only at parties or social occasions.

Such shoes come in attractive colors and stylish designs. And needless to stay, this is when they become more than shoes - they become style statements.

And to give the women the confidence that it is not about only style - but style with substance - you have advertisements like the one below.

These shoes - be they stylish or simple - might be at your feet. But they go onto add that extra bit of charm into your attitude.

After all, the world is beneath your feet!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Of Playlists, Shuffle and Repeat

Times Change.

There was an age of Gramophones. This was the time when music started making a mark by making an entry in the homes of the people.

You could put on disc and listen to the best music in the comforts of the home. 

Then came the golden old tape-recorders.

It furthered the cause of music. Less bulkier than the Gramophones,they were instant hits.

But then none of these had a concept of Play lists, Shuffle and Repeat.

Then came MP3 players. 

For years, I did not know the meaning of MP3. Although today I thought what it stood for, Wikipedia proved me wrong. :-)

As you might be aware, the three most important things in a MP3 player today are - Play-lists, Shuffle and Repeat button.

Play-lists are used by us to compile a list of songs which we would like to commonly play and access. Needless to say, our favorites will figure here.

Next comes Shuffle. If you are getting bored with the sequence in which the songs are being played, then shuffle is the button for you. It showcases an important fundamental - Variety is the spice of life.

And then moving onto Repeat. This is one feature which allows you to play the same set of songs over and again. If you have small play-list, this is the button for you - you will never run out of songs, virtually. :-)

But why on earth am I thinking about these things, and worse still, writing about them?

The blame lies with the music of the single most awaited film in India - Anjaana Anjaani. 

Starring reigning queen of Bollywood, Priyanka Chopra, a.k.a. PC, and the nation's heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor, it's music is making waves.

The film's release has postponed already once, in view of the verdict of the most important court case in the recent Indian history, the Ayodhya Title Suit. But the judgment getting postponed by a week resulting in a heads on clash with the films release date, I thing the release will get postponed once again.

But the Indian janata is satisfying their desire for what looks to be a good movie, by generously accepting its classical music.

It's two songs - Tumse Hi Tumse and Naina Lageeyan Baarishan - have taken over my music player. They have got into a Play-list and the Repeat Button is on!! And needless to say, Shuffle is not at all in sight!!

Until recently, it was Mora Piya who had occupied this top notch position.

A friend asked me whether I had listened to the songs of this movie. Of course, I had. And needless to say, she too was impressed by music.

And when the time came to choose the favorite, she chose the second. And I chose the first.

The same question to another friend yielded a slightly different result - we both agreed on the same song being our favorite. :-)

But be it the first or the second, it's all music to the ears. 

And this is one music record which has made a mark with all its songs being head turners.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stone Cold and Hot Head

The thing on top of my mind yesterday was champagne.

Yesterday evening, I kept on visualizing how a bottle of champagne is opened, thinking about the pop sound that it makes and the fizz & spray that it creates as it flows out.

It is not that I was eager to have a glass of it. I was comparing it to myself - the way my little mind works when I get angry. :-(.

It's not a good thing to get angry. However hard I try play Stone Cold Steve Austin, circumstances make me go the other way.

But within a matter of less than a day, I learned a valuable lesson on why thinking with a hot head is not a good thing. 

A situation had arisen yesterday where a particular decision was to be taken. 

Although the solution to the question at hand was quite logical, it was not acceptable due to the fact that it was against the expected answer of the person who had raised the question. 

Needless to say, the Champagne had already popped.

Time they say is the best healer. And as always, it came to the rescue.

The same problem was resolved today with the same answer!!

And this went on to highlight the fact that it is always nice to think with a calm head and open mind.

I strongly hope and pray to God that the Champagne pops lesser and lesser times.

pictures of me.

bon odori 2010 at johor bharu.

wearing lip balm

nur farrahin md zulkifli farid. me. :)
cik nurafifah mohd nor.
fyfa n fara
depan kolej tun fatimah~