Monday, July 12, 2010


 So the lovely Veuve and Varsity tagged me! With this award!

 For this award, I must:

Thank the person who gave me the award -- thank you hun at Veuve and Varsity!
Tell seven things about myself you might not know
Nominate 10 newly discovered blogs..that's is a lot...i will try or as many as I can..
Let my nominees know about the award

1. My family move alot, we love renovation projects! In fact we are moving soon, to this gorgeous 4 storey Georgian house. I personally love having a new room every few years, this house im planning, all white/cream ( white walls, cream carpet, off white bed) with colour accents!

2. Im obsessed with organization and interior design blogs! More so than fashion blogs!

3. I'm pretty open to trying new things foodwise, i really want to learn to cook some southern, mexican and greek food! However i do dislike all fish except salmon and tuna, and im picky about ice cream, i hate vanilla, cheap chocolate, ones with lots of crap in it like Ben and Jerrys! I love Hagen Daz's coconut macaroon, strawberry cheesecake and praline and cream yum yum!

4. I love Vlog videos on youtube, as in follow me around ones! Euchante, is my favourite, shes hilarious and does it regularly. Another is Lorraine ( currentcustom) but i find her boring :( i'm also partial to this

5. My ideal days are either
 - watching the oc or a film, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, eating junk
 - going to the beach
 - Going to the city, little bit of shopping!

6. My blog is completley  my secret apart from my immediate family :)

 Time for some tagging!

1. Timeless Fashionista
2. College Prep
3.La Dolce Vita
4.She's So precious
5.Mer in Cashmere
