Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friends 'Til The End

I have not being an avid follower of the hit sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 

But If I recollect one topic which has been most frequently and eagerly discussed and debated by my friends - right from college buddies to colleagues - is Friends.

What made this TV show a worldwide hit, gaining mass popularity among the Gen X and Gen Y? What were the things which worked for this sitcom which made the producers produce 10 seasons spanning 10 years?

The answer lies in the name itself.

It was a story about six people - six friends - and their journey through life.

The coffee shop banter, the chit-chat in the kitchen, the gossiping on a lazy Sunday, and the serious discussions in the drawing room, as the friends navigated through their life, were the hallmarks of the show. This was something which all guys and gals could relate to in their adolescent age.

They could see a bit of themselves in Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Ross - and could relate to their predicaments, joys, sorrows, friendship, and other emotions in life. This is what made the show successful.

These friends in reel life made an wide impact on the worldwide audience.

And you would agree with me if I would say that your personal friends have a lasting impact on your life.

By God's grace, I too have been fortunate enough to have friends who have made an impact on my life.

How did it all start?

Well, the first set of friends I had were the ones who were my play buddies. These were the guys with whom I used to learn the tricks of every single game - cricket, football, table tennis, badminton et all.

The competition was fierce at the games. But the friendship made it an joyful activity. Two hours of play was something which I looked forward to every day.

Next came the guys at the school. These were the people with whom I learned Maths, English, Science and what not. Spending six hours a day with them, learning stuff, solving problems, discussing ideas, dreaming etc etc increased the bonds of friendship.

They helped me to learn about stuff which I found difficult in understanding. They shared their tiffin when I had forgotten mine at home. They shared their homework when I hadn't done mine. Of course, I reciprocated.

It was in school that I was taught that wonderful evergreen quote - "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

Post school, It was college time. Six years of college life made my path cross with a wonderful set of friends. These were the people who made me grow as an individual.

They helped me with charting my student life. They motivated me for aiming for the sky.

They shared their vast knowledge, and strong fundamentals. These were the people who I wished I could emulate.

These were strong willed individuals who wouldn't let a setback affect them. They balanced their studies with their leisure activities.  These were the people who pursued their dreams zealously. I admired them for these beautiful qualities.

Next came my professional life. Here too, by God's grace, I met some absolutely fantastic people.

These were the people who shared my professional pursuits. And I found some personal gems.

These were the people who helped me learn the facets of working in a team. These were the people who served as a guiding force. These were the people with whom you could disagree at a professional level - but agree at a personal level. They bought the best out of me.

These were the people who wanted to learn from me. And to help them learn, I myself learned a few new things. These were the people who helped me relax after a hard day's work. These were the people who took care of me in the difficult times.

These are the friends who encouraged me, motivated me, appreciated me, loved me. They have helped me mould myself. And they continue to shape me.

Sometimes, I may feel depressed, down and out.

But I strongly hope that there is a friend out there who would say - "Cheer Up. Life has many things on offer."

If I have to summarise the influence of my friends on my life, this quote would say it all.

"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."
- Francois Mocuriac

And my dear friends,

"Keep your eyes upon me, keep me in your sight, Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light. The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way, Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray. Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through, Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you." 
- Megan Stroup