Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not Your Average Teen Blog Bash!

So i heard about this from mer and Jenna from www.merincashmere.blogspot.com and www.forloveofretail.com, Brittany from Not Your Average Teen is hosting a Blog Bash where people can promote their blogs!
So its quite simple, you write an introduction post and answer the 5 questions! Anyone can enter!

Hi, welcome to my blog Kickingcouture, im 17 years old,
Im considering pursuing a degree in Business Studies at Uni. I have an penchant for Beauty products, fashion and cooking. I spend most of my time with friends, family and my pets. This year i fell in love with New York, did my AS's, began learning to drive, became quite a social butterfly and really developed my blog. Honestly i blog for me and my loyal readers, not for money or followers.

Now onto the Questions.
1.Why do you blog?
Simply for me and my loyal readers, its really a creative outlet for me, and ive met some amazing people through it!

2.What do i blog about?
Really anything! I love to blog about beauty products, my life, fashion and cooking! I love to make wishlists, my inspiration.

3.What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging?
The amazing people you find, and the nicest comments and knowing that people actually enjoy my random rambles. I've met so many amazing people through this, and infact next year i may actually met one of them which is super exciting. You make friends, that understand your blabbing about absolute random stuff that they actually enjoy too.

4. How Long have you been blogging?
Truthfully for that two years, on and off. But this last year ive really made an effort, even though school work has had an effect these last few months.

5.Lets hear the story behind your blog title?
I started this blog mainly focusing on fashion and it does kind of reflect that. I began playing around with the word couture, which is one of my favourite words!

xoxo KC