Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lots of love and shopping

So this blog has become rather a weekly thing, rather shameful. I mean to but i tend to either forget, write a blog and delete it due to hating it, or am completley stumped on what to write about!

I did a little online therapy this week,

Perfect for summer no? There has been a few sales online recently here in the UK, i bought some cute underwear also but it seems wierd to post that here. Urban outfitters have some gorgeous stuff that i may have to buy!

Such as
I also am craving MAC's Slimshine in Bare and Stila's sun powder ( ie bronzer).

Time for a little Lovin...

 The Gloss Gloss
I adore Tali's blog, i must admit have serious hair envy, and her hauls. Her blog is basically about her life which is full of holidays and clubbing (once you read it you will understand the whole princess crew!), beauty ( amazing swatches!) and hauls/collections.

College Prepster 
Its like the ultimate preppy blog! Shes a coxain which i didnt know what that was before becoming obssesed with her blog ( rowing), and is currently competing over here in England! Her blog is full of Lily Pulitzer, organistation ideas, Georgetown College, monograming and the occasional beauty post!

Mer in cashmere 

Mer used to have joint blog with jenna at which is another one of my love's! Shes a college student in california, with a penchant for philosophy, the beauty brand, Sephora, Nail Polish. She also blogs helpful guides about college, packing etc!  And isnt ashamed to admit her love for trashy tv. Love it!

For love of retail 

The original blog from which jenna and mer used to blog from, Jenna has taken over this one! If you love designer items, gorgeous outfits of the day both night time and wearable daytime looks and hauls, then please check out this pretty's blog!

La Dolce Vita

My bloggy bff, we havent chatted much lately due to being extremely busy :( Shes been in China, been a bridesmaid, graduated college! We've really been blog bff's since both of our blogs began, shes a total sweetie, shes a total cooking, beauty addict and we share our love of endless chats about the OC haha
