Saturday, June 19, 2010


Finally after months of growing out my pob, i decided to get a haircut. Simply shaggy side fringe, lots of layers! Im hoping it will be easy to maintain. Also i know i promised youtube videos but they will come soon!

Here are somethings i reccomend you watch/read/listen to :)

Outliers- story of success by Malcom Gladwell
Such an intresting read, its about how people become successful and what influences it and how some people can exactly the same but only one will be actually successful due to background, personality etc. Really gripping and was a times bestseller.

Hurt Locker
Seriously an amazing film, but in a way that it doesnt actually feel like a film whilist your watching it. Its so tense and almost like a gripping documentary. Its basically about this crazy wreckless guy that deactivates bombs in Iraq. The film is so sad, but not in a " i need tissues" way. Must must watch it!

I cant get enough - Rooney
Im addicted to this band, which you may remember from the OC - im shakin. They have a new album out, AMAZING! Perfect for those summer days. I really have been playing their album non stop.
