Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lady Gaga Hair Style

Lady Gaga Hair Style

Britney Spears Hair Style

Britney Spears Hair Style

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Hair Style

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Hair Style

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why people quit jobs?

The recession is over. Or so they claim.

The job market is opening. And people are switching jobs. Or leaving jobs.

Here's a bird's eye view of some reasons why people leave the job in which they are currently placed.

Education - Leaving a job for pursuing studies is quite popular among people up to five years of experience. But it is not unheard of people with more experience leaving their jobs for similar pursuits. 
All of them have the same belief - this higher education would lead them to better professional opportunities and higher salaries - all of which would translate into improved lifestyles.

Higher Pay - The most significant visible benefit of any job is the salary which a person draws from it. 

People have needs, and as time progresses, these needs increase or become more complex. To support these enhanced needs, people take up jobs which pay them better. After all, we earn to live (or live to earn?)

Stagnation - Many a times people find themselves in jobs - playing roles - which they feel are stagnating their careers. 

Sometimes this is a fact, while in a few cases it is far from reality. But if this thought enters the mind of any individual, the pursuit of better opportunities make them jump jobs.

An Assignment Completion - Quite frequently, people are engaged in long drawn projects (sometimes stretching across several years), which draw out the best out of them. And once these projects come to a conclusion, these guys/gals feel a sense of void within them. 

When the sprint of working in such a high profile assignments turns into a stroll post it, it becomes difficult for people to accept the transition. With this comes a need for a change. And commonly, it translates into a change of job.

Relationships - Most commonly, people switch job for relationships. 

At one end of the spectrum you have people quitting their jobs as their partner's, spouses or families move across cities - which make it impossible for them to retain jobs in some cases. 

At the other end of the line, you have one person in a relationship stay back at home to take care of the home and the kids, while the other partner pursues his/her professional interests. The second reason is less common these days.

A Bad Boss or a Poor Team - For every individual, his view of his organization are his peers and his bosses. A bad team or a poor boss sometimes becomes a driving factor for a job change. 

Commonly, although other factors might be in favor of this individual continuing with his job, negative points on this part make him take a decision for a job change.

Stress - Commonly people are engaged in jobs which are highly stressful. This takes a toll on their health, personal lifestyle and relationships. 

They take a decision that health, life and relationships all come before work. And make a decision to quit. Indeed it is a correct decision.

The Work Itself - Frequently people think they are doing work which does not do justice to their talents. 

I think this thought must be coming to each and every individual at some stage of their professional life. 

While some think that it is just a passing phase, a few think oterwise. This becomes one of the important reasons for quitting jobs - with the expectation that their next job will do justice to their immense talents.

The list is endless and organizations, over the years, have learned to deal with such changes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Memories of the Football World Cup

What happens when you are alone at home, sitting wide awake at 1 o clock in the night, all alone, watching Argentina and Mexico battling it out in the Round of 16?

Memories start rushing though the mind, recollecting how love was developed for the sport of Football.

A game which unites the World. A game where a match brings a country to a standstill. A game where a victory can lift the spirits of the entire nation. A game  where a loss can send a nation into mourning. A game where a glorious goal can launch a career. A game where an own goal can end a life.

It has been slightly more than a quarter of a century of my humble existence on this tiny planet. I have been six World Cup's old, celebrating the seventh. And by God's grace, I have been able to been a part of the excitement for six World Cup's.

Circa 1986 - I was just too young to even understand that a game called Football existed. However, I might have been the super star at home - being at expert at kicking stuff.

Fast forward to 1990 - Just old enough to understand television. It was the time of Doordarshan, the national television broadcaster, and it's two flagship channels. 

This Cup was characterized by waking up at half past 11 in the night, after a couple of hours of sleep, just to watch the maestro - Diego Maradona. 

Argentina had won the Cup in 1986 and Maradona was the star. Sadly they  lost in 1990. Years later I learned that West Germany had won the Cup under the leadership of Jurgen Klinsmann.

Four years later, in 1994, the Cup had traveled to America for the first time. Pundits discussed whether the game would knock out American Football.

Football ceased to be a fun game when Andres Escobar of Colombia was assassinated for scoring an own goal in the match against USA, just 10 days after the match.

Romario, from Brazil, was the star. The world, and myself, watched in shock as Roberto Baggio, of Italy, put his penalty kick over the bar in the finals. Brazil had defeated Italy in the finals to lift the World Cup.

Four years down the line, in 1998, the Cup was back on European soil - with France playing the hosts. 

Dunga, from Brazil, bought an exceptionally strong squad to the World Cup. It included Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Denilson, Bebeto et all. But Zinedine Zidane, from France, proved to be the super star as the hosts lifted the Cup for the first time.

Asia was the next stop for the World Cup. The dawn of the 21st century heralded with the World Cup in South Korea and Japan in 2002.

South Korea had a dream run - they reached the semi finals until they were knocked out by Germany. Michael Ballack scored for the Germans, taking them to the finals. Destiny gave him a cruel blow as he was yellow carded in the final minutes - thereby denying him a chance to play in the Finals.

The final was played between Brazil and Germany. Ronaldo was at his best scoring two goals, helping Brazil lift the Cup.

This Cup also heralded the arrival of the German goal scoring machine - Mirosalav Klose.

Just four years back, in 2006, Germany hosted the Cup.

Lukas Podolski and Bastian Schweinsteiger were the rising stars. Zidane, Luis Figo and Ronaldo were stars on the horizon of their shining career. Del Piero wanted to make his mark on the Cup. And Klose continued with his goal scoring spree.

Shakira set the hearts on fire with her magical words - "Oh baby when you talk like that... You make a woman go mad."

That was before Italy took on France in the World Cup Finals in Berlin.

Italy had a super squad with an a amazing strike force -  Del Piero, Inzaghi, and Totti.

Zidane wanted to make his swan song a glorious one. He was on the way with an early goal. Italy equalized some 10 minutes later. 

The match was into extra time when Zidane lost his cool and head butted Marco Materazzi. He was sent off immediately. It was the nadir of his glorious career.

It was spot kick time and France badly missed Zidane. The Italians scored all five and lifted the Cup for the fourth time.

Today, the Cup has travelled to Africa for the first time. South Africa are the playing the perfect hosts. Shakira is still the hot favorite with her Waka Waka.

It is the year of the Messi's, the Kaka's, the Klose's, and the Schweinsteiger's. The super stars of the yesteryears - Dunga and Maradona - are on the sidelines coaching their national teams.

The biggies Argentina, Brazil, Germany and the Netherlands - are set for a battle royale. The experienced World Cup rookies - Spain - hope to be lucky this time.  

All in all, the next two weeks promise to bring a lot of excitement.

Nothing summarises it better than Shakira herself in her song Waka Waka.

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And back in the saddle

You're on the frontline

Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We're getting closer
This isnt over

The pressure is on

You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it

When you fall get up

Oh oh...
And if you fall get up
Oh oh..

Tsamina mina
Cuz this is Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer hairstyle

Mitch Hewer is a 20 year old English Actor. His most recognized performance is as Maxxie Oliver in the television series Skins. The character was openly gay in the series and Hewer appeared on the cover of Attitude, a gay lifestyle magazine twice in 2007. Here, we will take a look at Mitch Hewer hairstyles.

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer side parted hairstyle

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer hairstyle

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer side swept bangs

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer medium hairstyle

Hewer tends to wear his hair of medium length. Depending on what image he wishes to display, he wears it styled in a conservative manner with the front flipped to one side. He has worn it parted on both sides at different times, but otherwise, essentially the same style.

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer fluffed hair

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer hairstyle

Mitch Hewer Medium Length Hairstyles
Mitch Hewer hair

Most of the time, he wears his hair styled in such a manner that it almost appears not have been touched. This "Devil may care" style is not as easy to achieve and maintain as one might think. A good deal of gel is needed to hold the hair in position once it has been fluffed and pulled in different angles with the fingers.

Regardless of whether he wants to look like a rebel without a care or a middle class teen, his hairstyles help him to achieve the exact look he wants to make portrayal of his character on television fit with what he is doing at the time.

Football World Cup 2010 - Anthems

The Football [Soccer] World Cup 2010 has entered the knock out phase. The pressure is building and the passion is rising.

One of the most significant visible benefits offered by the World Cup is the joy, pleasure, happiness that it spreads. It has the capability of lifting the spirits of an entire nation.

Nothing conveys this better than the two songs (and three videos) which have been the hallmark of this World Cup.

First of all is Shakira's Waka Waka - This Time For Africa

If Shakira's song is the official song of the Cup, K'naan's song - Wavin Flag - is also simply amazing.

Last but not the least is the Coca Cola's advertisement with the Wavin Flag song. They too have captured the best goal celebration moments of the World Cup nicely.

To say the least, these songs have become the anthems of the Football World Cup 2010. 

And they will be one of the strong reasons why this tournament will be remembered, apart from the football.

Wimbledon 2010 - Week Two

It is summer time in England. And The Wimbledon is in progress at the All England Club since last week.

Usually the championships get the highest attention in its two weeks. This year is slightly different, with the Football World Cup 2010 in progress in South Africa. 

The Soccer World Cup has grabbed its share of eyeballs making the tennis championships a slightly less followed event this year.

But as the championships enter into the second week, this is bound to change.

The cream of the tennis champs are set to play at the All England Club in Week Two.

Have a look at the men's draw below.

In the men's draw, there are 13 seeded players in the last 16. This is set to make the game interesting.

You have the traditional favorites - Roger Frederer and Rafael Nadal - seeded first and second respectively.

Novak Djokovic and Lleyton Hewitt are to be engaged in an interesting Round of 16 match. You also have the tranditional challengers - Andy Murray, R. Soderling, Jo Tsonga and Roddick.

At this stage, it looks like Frederer will have a tougher road to the final. However, going by his form book, he should atleast progress to the semi finals without any sweat. 

Nadal can meet Soderling in the Quarter Finals, if both of them win their Round of 16 match. I think the winner of that match should make his way to the Final.

The bookmakers are favoring Frederer to win the Championships.

All in all it promises to be an interesting game going ahead.

The Women's draw is more evenly balanced.

In a battle royale, Maria Sharapova is to clash with her old nemesis Serena Williams in the round of 16. She has been playing well on grass this year and has the ability to upset Serena's applecart.

Caroline Wozniacki is very lucky at this stage. She has an easy draw ahead and if she plays to her talent, she should reach the semi finals.

You also have the old war horses Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin clashing in the Round of 16. Venus Williams also looks to be set to have an unhindered road to the semis, unless she faces an upset.

Serena Williams is the overwhelming favorite at this stage. But can Maria knock her out? We will know soon.

Finally, whom do I fancy to win the Championships this year?

Well, in the men's draw - it is Roger Frederer.

In the women's draw, it's Maria Sharapova.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cellar Heights

You must have heard about the Figure of Speech - Antithesis.

Antithesis  is a counter-proposition  and denotes a direct contrast to the original proposition.

At school, when they teach you this figure of speech, the most common example which is quoted is - Man proposes, God disposes.

It does convey the idea completely.

But recently, on a vacation at the Kanha National Park in Central India, the name of a location in the jungle bought back memories of this figure of speech.

In pursuit of the elusive Tiger, the driver and the guide of the Jeep Safari referred to a place called - Cellar Heights.

The name stood out.

The opposition of these two two words was stark.

And the creativity of the person who gave the name to this place was simply amazing.

I was so hooked on to this word that the thoughts of the tiger which was supposedly spotted in Cellar Heights were often left on the back burner.

Football World Cup 2010 - The Knock Outs Starts

It has been 15 days and 48 matches since the start of the Football World Cup 2010.

The Group stage is completed and the Round of 16 is starting today.

As with every World Cup, there were several surprises in the group stage matches. The ones that caught the headlines was the first round exits of the winners and the runner-ups from the last edition - Italy and France respectively.

The hosts - South Africa - had to exit in the first round itself. But the popularity of the World Cup is so huge that the exit of the hosts in the first round will not have any impact on the rest of the matches.

The other big guns lived up to their billing. Brazil, Argentina, the Netherlands have entered the second round in style - without a loss under their belt. 

Other favorites - England, Germany, Spain and Portugal too have managed to make it to the second round - but with a lot of hard work.

Then you have the surprise packages of this World Cup - Slovakia who knocked out the Azzurris, the USA who entered the second round with a stoppage time goal in their last match, and the Asian giants - Japan and South Korea.

All in all we have a well balanced Round of 16 with the top guns and the novices.

Two matches in the Round of 16 that promise to be the best sellers are England Vs Germany on 27th June 2010 and Spain Vs Portugal on 29th June 2010.

If everything goes as per the form book, you could have Dutch fighting it out with Brazil in the quarter finals. Add to that an Argentina Vs England/Germany match and the World Cup would be on fire.

If Spain manage to beat the Portuguese in the Round of 16 and then get through the Quarter Finals with a win against Paraguay/Japan, they would be on the door steps of their first ever spot in the World Cup final.

At the current moment, the odds are favoring Brazil to win the World Cup. Spain and Argentina are their close runners.

But on the big stage of the World Cup, what will matter is how the teams play. 

The team with the best skills, big match temperament, uber cool composure and lot of luck will make it to the Winner's Podium on 11th July 2010.

Until then, let's keep our fingers crossed. And enjoy the World Cup!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Top 6 lipsticks

Personally i was a huge lipgloss fan, until i realised its kind of icky looking and feeling. My addiction began with MAC's hue, a pretty simple pinky nude! Though i am increasingly becoming more and more tempted by YSL's rouge volupte's

Left to right

1. Lady gaga- viva glam edition by mac. Its a light cool toned pink, however moisturised lips are advised as it does tend to emphasise dry lips

2. Angel - mac, what more can i say than its Kim Kardashians favourite. its a cooler slightly purple toned pinky nude.

3. Hue - Second tube! By mac, its my go to lipstick. Its the perfect pink/but warm toned nude, and looks  great for everyday, usually suits everyone!

4. Please me - by mac again of course. completely pink matte shade, not my total favourite but looks gorgeous with a balm on top.

5. Speed dial - the brightest in my collection, a total brightish pink, slightly warmer and can tend to make the teeth look yellower so beware! Perfect however for a simple eyelook!

6 Positiano - chanel's aqualumiere lippie, suprisingly out of my comfort zone regards to tone as its rather brownish. However it applies like a sheer nude tint, so doesnt give that awful brown lips look.

What Women Want??

Can anyone give an full proof answer to this question?

You would understand the difficulty of answering this question when you read this old thought by the Austrian neurologist - Sigmund Freud.

This is what he had to say - The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is “What does a woman want?”

The needs and wants of women are extremely complex. Nothing conveys this better than the cartoon below.

If you are on look out of what women want, you will get bar charts like the one below. But trust me, they won't help you.

Women are always considered to be such intriguing subjects.

If you are looking for simplistic answers, then you can be friends with Paris Hilton.

This is what she has to say - Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. 

Well, this is maybe what Million $ heiress' wants - but certainly that is not the case with millions of common women across the world.

On a practical note, I would agree with Sophie Tucker. In her book - Women Who Date Too Much - Sophie shared the following opinion about women. 

From birth to eighteen, a girl needs good parents, from eighteen to thirty-five she needs good looks, from thirty-five to fifty-five she needs a good personality, and from fifty-five on she needs cash. 

I agree with her to a fair extent. 

But with so many women out there, wanting so many things, is it possible to outline their needs and wants in a few lines in a blog post. 

The answer in a resounding "No". 

But at least an attempt can be made. And I embark upon that attempt.

First and foremost, I think women want respect. They want to command respect - from their beloveds and their family. And with the kind of things they do for the family, I think they completely deserve the respect.

Secondly, they desire for love. Nothing more nothing less.

And who gives her love? It's her man. Nothing highlights this fact better than the quote below

Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible.

A woman wants to be heard. Women are considered to be such marathon talkers, they will gel well with people who are good listeners.

A woman wants to win. Todays professional world is a competitive world, where equal opportunities are provided to people from both sexes. The women are calling the shots at many places. Her strong desire and will power to win stands out. That's why they made a movie - Woman on Top.

A woman wants to lead. Can there be better role models than Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, Sonia Gandhi, Angela Merkel, Julia Gillard? Nope. They lead states, nations, corporations. And that isn't an easy task.

A woman wants to share her happiness, her feelings. She firmly believes in the ideology - You gain when you share.

The list will never end. And it should not.

Woman deserve what they want. All we can do is make an attempt to give her or help her earn what she wants!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don Draper Hairstyle

Don Draper HairstyleDon Draper is the fictional protagonist in the AMC television networks series, Mad Men. He is played by the winner of the 2008 Golden Globe award, Jon Hamm. This character is based in part on the real-life creative director, Draper Daniels, who created the Marlboro Man advertising campaign for the Leo Burnett agency in Chicago in the 1950s. Draper was, until the end of the third season, the creative director for a fictional New York advertising agency, Sterling Cooper. Just before the firm was taken over by another company he and his superiors left to form a new company, Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, in which he is a founding partner.

Much like the individual on the character is based, Draper Daniels, Don Draper is a man straight out of the 1950s trying to operate in the year 2010. Everything about the character from his hairstyle to his personality is a flash from the past.
Don Draper HairstyleThe hairstyle worn by Don Draper is a very conservative short haircut that has always been considered appropriate for men in the business community. The hair is cut up off the collar and above the ears. There are no sideburns to speak of. The hair is cut so that it can be styled with a single part to one side and combed over with no bangs showing on the fore head.
Don Draper HairstyleThis is a classic hairstyle that has been worn by men for generations and can specifically be classed as a businessman's haircut. It is appropriate for any man, regardless of his occupation or station in life. When compared to some of the more modern hairstyles worn by men, this particular style can be considered ultraconservative.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010