Sunday, May 2, 2010

Times Square Car Bomb Scare

It was a weekend where just about every Western country - the USA, Canada, Great Britain et all - issued a travel advisory on the "imminent terror attacks" in the Indian capital - New Delhi. 

The Indian Intelligence agencies also had their own internal inputs which highlighted the same risk - after they intercepted a conversation of a terror group - which had given the order to carry out the strike.

But little did the American know about the plans to strike New York City by means of a car bomb - right in it's heart - the Times Square.

On Saturday evening - 1st May 2010, a car bomb was found in a SUV parked in Times Square. 

The car contained three propane tanks, two five gallon gas containers - fully filled, fireworks, and two clocks with batteries. The design itself highlighted the magnitude of the potential disaster that was on the way.

However, luck favored NYC this time!!

A T-shirt vendor noticed smoke coming out of this SUV, thought something was fishy and immediately alerted the authorities.

The NYPD immediately deployed a robot which diffused the bomb and avoided a major crisis. The entire area was cordoned off in this moment of crisis to avoid any harm to human life.

It was a terror attack which was avoided in the nick of the time - avoiding a significant loss to the human life and property.

This is what NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg had to say about the crisis.

"We avoided what could have been a very deadly event," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg early Sunday morning. "It certainly could have exploded and had a pretty big fire and a decent amount of explosive impact." 

And the efforts of the NYPD and the NY people were appreciated by the Governor of New York, David Paterson.
"Tonight, we owe an incredible debt of gratitude to the heroic actions of the New York City Police Department and to a single vigilant New Yorker who identified a suspicious vehicle near Times Square in New York City," he said.

Hope the people responsible for this potential disaster are caught and sentenced as the law feels justified.