Friday, May 28, 2010


Remember my extensive nail polish post? with those awful quality pictures, whhich ive since deleted.
Meet my new collection!
Isn't she pretty, with only essie and one chanel. OPI's bottles are pretty ugly and they are not my kind of shades anymore ie the brights! Have you heard also that they are stopping online stockists and they have threatened legal action due to some bloggers posting a new collection. Boycott!!

Plus here are the 4 bottles i recieved for my birthday

Left to right, Pop art pink, Licorice, Ballet Slippers and Lollipop

Im also loving..

 This combination worn together, they seriously smell amazing. As in so amazing people actually comment that you smell good which is rather a first compared to my other perfume.

Did i also mention im addicted to Rachel zoe's show, its " Bananas"!!
