Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tiffany Blue and Post exams Laziness

Is there such a thing as post Exam laziness? Is there an actual name for this laziness that takes over? or even a cure.

After doing exams all week, all i want to do is sleep, browse the Internet, and watch TV especially the Hills and SVU. It's been rather nice actually in fact on Sunday night, i ate a yummy ginger sponge pudding with a lakes worth of custard while watching Fringe.

But don't you just love my new background, the blue is that special duck egg, Tiffany blue. Its rather pretty isn't it.

It actually inspired for todays post, Pendants! Simple but can be statement peices.

Cherish necklace by dogeared, simple and dainty! i think everyone would cherish a necklace from dogeared.

Nardi " doorknocker" pendant is simply a taste of bling without the hiphop rappers or trophy wives.
"K" pendant, by tiffanys, other pendants can be purchased at nordstrom.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The World and The Internet

One thing that stood out every time I checked the Geo Locations of the visitors to my blog was the sole visitor from Africa.

It made me wonder - about the internet penetration across the world - the ease of access for people in North America and Europe - and the scarcity of access for people across Africa.

Well, the chart below explains everything
Check the Internet Stats here.

Hope that in coming times, the net will be freely and easily accesible for everyone across the globe - cutting across geographies. Needless to say, the benefits will be huge.
Only then a person somewhere in Africa or Siberia can read my blog!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I've got mock exams this week so im on a break until next week! expect a post at the weekend

thanks lovelies!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Emo and Scene Kids Part II

emo scene hair

YES, the major difference between emos and scenesters are their attitude. But I don't believe all 'scene kids' have an original personality, as you say 'dont follow the personality'. Yea, they dont follow the emo personality. But they still have one they mostly all have.. they think highly of themselves.

Another difference is, emos are generally natured to black. Scene kids love colors. Rainbows, neon colors..anything and everything!(Although I see emos starting to like rainbows now..xD)

Another thing is the 'obsessions'. Emos love, mostly Jack Skellington, and such things as that. While Scene kids are more into the look of say, Sanrio characters, like Hello Kitty. And also, Gloomy Bear is a big thing for them.

While emos and scenes are close to each other, I think the difference is more than what it seems. It isnt just the personality, but the style too. The common thing shared among them is probably the hair. But scene hair is most definately BIGGER.xD

You should be able to tell the difference, on the spot, from an emo or a scene kid. Guys are harder to distinguish than girls most of the time. But see a guy with a lot of confidence and he seems like hed have a big mouth on him, wearing bright colors, and big sun glasses..I think its safe to assume hes 'scene'. While a guy wearing mostly black, quiet in the corner, walking slowly..well, thats emo. But even if an emo doesnt follow the personality, you can still tell them apart by the overall style.

By: Stephie

Friday, November 7, 2008

Goodies! from Erika

I have to say huge thanks to Erika at www.makeupbag.net , i opened my door to find a parcel full of goodies from entering a competion. I just adore her website, its a fountain of knowledge when it comes to make up! also if your a teen like me you should check out her daughter's teen corner ( i love this segment!).

The parcel contained yummy Molton Brown Shower gel and lotion in Gingerlily ( ginger is one my favourite scents!), a L'oreal Bare naturale Mascara, which lengthens your lashes beyond belief. Oh and a Bottle opener from mercedes fashion week LOL!

I'm hopefully going to start up a beauty blog also, so a review of the mascara will be on there! Its amazing mascara.

Thanks Erika www.makeupbag.net ( check it out!!)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Taryn Davidson

After spying Taryn Davidson on style.com whilst looking at the beauty shots at the Mathew Williamson show a couple of weeks back. She has become my favourite new model, its the fact that in every picture she looks completely different

Spring/ Summer 09 - Lavin

S/S- Roberto Cavali

Matthew williamson
Dior Resort collection

This up and coming model walked 45 last season,

Taryn, 17 year old from ontario,canada, hockey fanatic since she was 6, regulary trains with her team up to 5 times a week, with a dad who played in the olypics for canada.

She was only spotted when her family and her showed up to Elmer olsen modeling management for her sister.

Isnt she the prettiest thing you've seen since Gemma ward!?

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Hair

So about a month ago, i decided to buy a highlight kit, so if i liked i would get it done professionally. The test strand came out perfect of course, but after my mom applied the rest of the streaks, when it came to washing off time. My hair had gone ORANGE!! like orange soda colour.

So I got a box of dark brown ( my natural hair colour) to cover it up. It worked for a while ( it came out a lightish brown with a reddish tinge) until the semi permanent began wearing off!

This is what it looked like until yesterday! Yuck right, it really washed my skin tone out also.

I bought a dark dark brown box of permanent hair dye, proceed to get it everywhere, on the computer chair, one of my abercrombie hoodie, on the floor! it seemed to drip on everything and anything!

Here is the after, i used L'oreal feria Number 40 espresso.