Tuesday, December 7, 2010

nikon D3100

wahh its been a long time since my last post right???hehehe
kinda busy... actually ayin ase after i got home from JB, i become busier than evr!
hahahaha tipu lah tu. i mean, busier than when im at JB.hahaa
well, this first week of my holidays, i've been to ipoh.
visiting my paksu there. miss my cousin : ameer zahin and asya zulaikha.. they are soo damn cute ok!!
ok back to my main point.
recently, i dont know y my dad become so dermawan n tbe2 die ckp bout buying a camera.
the DSLR camera. the one i've been dreaming of owning!! hahahahaa

and taraaaa~~!!!!
he bought one.
at first, were a bit confuse of what type and what brand of camera we should pick,
then after doing some survey and research...chey3.... not research laaa, just tnye2 owg yg pandai bab2 camera nie, and then they suggest us to buy NIKON brand, 
y????? hmm from what i heard, they say the pic nmpk lg cntek with this brand compared to others..

and whats more surprising is that, last week,
mase after dah survey sume and mmg nak bli this NIKON D3100,,
we head to subang parade. and then my dad trus heading towards kedai 'FOTOKEM' 
whats surprising us is that the owner of the shop said that that NIKON D3100 is out of stock.and he is not sure when will the stock came back, maybe by the end of this month...
huhuuhuuu agk menyedihkn. so xpela, kitowg pegy la kedai lagi satu.
the same things happen. OUT OF STOCK!!!!
ok2.. xpe,, my dad ckp,
esk kite g pyramid plak.. cri this camera.

so early in the morning we all keluar and head to sunway pyramid.
after we arrived there, mmg trus2 g cri kedai camera.
3,4 buah kedai we all pegy.. sume xder stock for that NIKON D3100.
omg.omg.omg.. what happen?? laku gileww ah that model.
smpai sume kedai yg we all pegy dah OUT OF STOCK for that model..
evn the FOTOKEM retailers all over KL n Selangor dun have that stock!!

agk pelik.. nmpk sgt everyone pon nk beli that model.huhuu
kaye sungguh owg2 skrg nie kn, camera mahal cmtu ramai yg nak..huhuhuu

ok, so nak pendek kn cerita,, dgan rase sendih dan pilu nyer,,,
that weekend, we all heads to ipoh. nk visit paksu and my cute2 cousins..
mase kat ipoh tu kitowg g jln2 kat ipoh parade,
saje la.. tgk2 sbb da lame xdtg citu kn..
coz dulu, we all penah duk ipoh. but just for 1year and a half. sekejap jea..hehe

but seriusly! i love ipoh!!
a nice cozy place. calm. nice weather. perfect view. with kedai nasi ganja.hehe sgt best!!  cm subang nie,, kinda crowded kn.. with all those construction sites, building all over..   highway here and there, traffic jams..omg! hetic!! but apart from that,
 i still really3 LOVE living in subang.hehee :)   
sbb sy membesar di sini mehhh~ friends sume kat sini.hehee
tp ipoh is the best!!

back to my main cerita.
the camera.
so, that NIKON D3100 di beli di ipoh..........
hehehehe jaoh tu, :)

tp ape pon.
camera nie mmg best gileww!!
sy yg xcantek nie tbe2 nmpk cntek bile camera tuh tgkp..hehe :D
my advise :
sile lah beli this camera..hehe :)

hehee nice!

nikon D3100