So a dilemma, to keep or not keep?
Often i trust my own judgement, but on this one im unsure! Ma mere says oui!! Mon pere says non! Ma souer shrugged her shoulders!!
La dress is from topshop, please ignore the stupid faces, i was going to crop the pictures but it looked a little funny!!
Here is today's outfit
Shorts- boutique find!
Sandals- " "
Plus LV Speedy 30 which didn't make an appearance.
I'm currently craving hot buttered toast, and I cant help but be a little cranky due to cutting out starches (potatoes,rice,pasta,bread etc) in my diet and but on the plus side i can feel the benefits already! Unfortunately i had to eat them yesterday due to a family party and i woke up with such a lack of energy, sluggish! I've lost 2lbs so far in a few days!!
I cant get enough of iced tea! Sipping outside while soaking up the sun and reading a little " grapes of wroth"
xoxo KC