Monday, June 29, 2009

To keep or not to keep

So a dilemma, to keep or not keep?
Often i trust my own judgement, but on this one im unsure! Ma mere says oui!! Mon pere says non! Ma souer shrugged her shoulders!!

La dress is from topshop, please ignore the stupid faces, i was going to crop the pictures but it looked a little funny!!

Here is today's outfit

Shorts- boutique find!
Sandals- " "
Plus LV Speedy 30 which didn't make an appearance.

I'm currently craving hot buttered toast, and I cant help but be a little cranky due to cutting out starches (potatoes,rice,pasta,bread etc) in my diet and but on the plus side i can feel the benefits already! Unfortunately i had to eat them yesterday due to a family party and i woke up with such a lack of energy, sluggish! I've lost 2lbs so far in a few days!!

I cant get enough of iced tea! Sipping outside while soaking up the sun and reading a little " grapes of wroth"

xoxo KC

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just think

Just think, what do you think when you hear Marie Claire? Kind of cheesy, another " Instyle", kind of boring!
when i think of fashion spreads i think Vogue, Elle and Nylon.

But ah mes aimes,Suprisingly i stumbled across this shoot for Marie Claire Italy and it really open my eyes.

I want thunderstorms, messy hair, Winged eyeliner, Sequins.

I heart the dreary background, lighting, the winged eyeliner, the air of mystery, who is she?

Well the model is Alina Birladeanu

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I heart the simplicty, the classical look which monochrome creates.

Yes im wearing black lips, white tee and sunglasses and no i didnt go out in public like this. Although i wish i had the confidence to walk out my door, white skinnies, lose cropped black tee,, those rayban cats and black lips
Enchante, so darling no?

Hillary's outfit opitomies the latest trends, latex leggings, suede ankle boots, blazers. Even her roots are rather monochromatic, ironic no?

Peaches geldorf, rock star daughter. british, celebwannabe, punk socialite. C'est deteste, shes the uk version of paris hilton but worse as least paris has built a empire of her name. Ah my tongue, but isnt her dress darling.

Even MAC has jumped on the monocromatic trend, mac are bringing out a cremesheen lipstick, infact they are bringing out a whole collection around the colour black" Style black collection"

U.S. Launch Date: September 24th, 2009
International Launch Date: October 2009

Lipstick ($14.00)

  • Black Knight Creamy true black (Cremesheen)

Mattene ($14.50)

  • Midnight Media Dense matte black
  • Night Violet Deep purple grape (Repromote)

Glimmerglass ($18.00)

  • Bling Black Sheer black with gold pearl
  • Blackfire Sheer black with pink purple pearl
  • Blackware Creamy true black

Mineralize Eye Shadows ($19.00)

  • Cinderfella Black with silver pearl
  • Young Punk Black with pink purple pearl
  • Gilt by Association Black with gold bronze pearl
  • Blue Flame Black with blue pearl

Get more details

Grease Paintstick ($17.50)

  • Black Intense black

Penultimate Liner ($16.50)

  • Rapidblack True black

Eye Kohl ($14.50)

  • Smolder Intense Black

Cream Colour Base ($16.50)

  • Black Creamy True black
  • Bat Black Burgundy black with pink pearl (PRO)

Nail Lacquer ($11.00)

  • Nocturnelle True black (Cream) (Permanent)
  • Seriously Hip Black with gold particle pearl (Frost)
  • Baby Goth Girl Black with pink and purple pearl (Frost)

Doesn't it all sound darling!, I want nail lacquer in nocturnelle, and a eyeshadow in cinderella!

xoxo KC

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Companions

Companion - a person to accompany, assist, or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend!!!

Well, these are my current companions ...

a) My Cell phone!!!
b) My pocket!!!
This line summarizes it all - My companion and I were alone with the stars: the misty river of the Milky Way flowing across the sky, the patterns of the constellations standing out bright and clear, a blazing planet low on the horizon. ( Courtesy - Rachel Carson )

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quick post, again sorry!

As you know i love the fresh air fund charity, which right now any gift you make to charity they will match dollar by dollar by a few genarous donors! If you can give $25 that means $50 for inner-city children. $50 becomes $100! But you must make your donation by june 30th for it to count!

About The Fresh Air Fund

THE FRESH AIR FUND, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2008, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada. 3,000 children also attended five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves an additional 2,000 young people each year.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

17th june!

Just a quick post! promise i will post a long post tomorrow!

I wore a simple outfit today! dark wash skinnies with this crew top in navy!, a longline white and grey striped cardigan from AE, ballet flats and LV speedy 30

Because i had a root canal!! Seriously, my mouth is so numb right now, but it is really not as bad as everyone says, its didnt hurt at all!

Currently watching the girlmore girls with a tub of hagen daz strawberry cheesecake mmm, bbq later!

P.S! im finally moving yay, exchanged on our house yesterday! new house, new school new area woo!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What will Infy Do After they are Gone?

Here's one article about Infosys in the current issue in Forbes which simply caught my attention!!

Infosys - Future Perfect!!
Well - Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thinking wishing,craving

So drab so dull, stuck in a grey place. My whole look is tres grey, bland like a bowl of porridge. My heart wishes for fashion and style, but my head says " put on those tops you always wear, and those jeans which you have worn a hole in". But its time my heart has a say,

My heart took its first stop at topshop and made a wishlist, although i feel it is missing something?

My heart then took a turn on other things

Pass me these cream filled delights

and hang by the pool garden


p.s just bought the floral bikini, dark wash skinny jeans and stripey shorts.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We have a WINNER!!

So you all patiently waited for a week to announce the winner and now the time has come to find out!

Sorry to the girl who missed out on the giveaway, sorry i'd already picked out the winner! So lets get to it!

I used a kitchen bowl to pick haha, Here is the names before i picked

So the winner is .....
Congrats to ABBY!!! ie Myfavouritecolourispurple

Will be emailing you shortly!

Sorry to all those people who didnt win, on the plus side i will be having a international contest soon!

Hugs and kisses, and a special thanks to!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Love quote scarf giveaway!!

So i have big news, Im having my first ever giveaway! A big big giveaway sponsored by the lovely !I'm giving you the chance to win a Love quote scarf in a the colour of your choice, i decided to let the winner pick instead of picking a colour for you guys to win!

Love quote scarves are seriously gorgeous, classical but modern, Each scarf sold, they donate 10% of the proceeds are donated to international children’s charities. The scarves are made of a linen/viscose blend which makes them amazingly soft. All the celebrities have been fawning over them, so have i! The scarf retails for $88

Here are some pics celebrities wearing the colours you could win

Vanessa Hudgens and Lauren conrad wearing Yoga white.

Hilary Duff in Solar.

Lindsay Lohan in Cocoshell.

Lindsay and Hilary and Lauren Conrad are huge fans of the love quote scarves! Here is lindsay wearing the colour confetti.

Check out this link to see the colours you could win...

Rules and how to be entered

1. You must be a U.S resident, sorry international readers!

2. Leave a comment to enter, saying you want to be entered, and what you like about the scarf and your email

3. You must leave your email address in your comment , space it out like this kickingcouture ( at) gmail dot com, so i can contact you to forward your name and address to chickdowntown who will ship it out to you!

4. You must follow my blog and if you have twitter follow me too! I'm Kickingcouture

5. The contest will end in a weeks time, Wednesday 10th June at 11pm est ( eastern standard time)

6. The winner will be chosen randomly and only enter once.

Also check out!
Current Elliot
Good Luck!! I wish i could enter!!

SO Cute!

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Hair?

So i have exciting news, i may be having a giveaway!! Pretty please keep reading for updates and you may even win! Im also going to add a couple of polls regards to my blog, so poll please!