Saturday, February 23, 2008

Formula 1 - 2008 Season

The Formula 1 2008 racing season will take off soon - with the first race scheduled on 16th March, 2008 at Melbourne, Australia.

Needless to say, it will be an exciting contest considering the nail biting finish in the last season.

The top 3 drivers - Kimi Räikkönen, Lewis Hamilton, and Fernando Alonso - will be driving for 3 different teams. And undoubtedly, each one of them will go all out to become the champion.

Catch the details and action here

Interesting Websites

Came across an interesting review from MSN

And the ones which I found the most interesting

Check them out!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Having a Shot at...

Some days back we all got the news that a defunct US satellite is about to crash back onto our earth.

Needless to say, there is always a risk associated with such events - in case the satellite falls over a populated area, it will be catastrophic!!

But now the US govt. will be making an effort to shoot down the satellite while in orbit.
It will cost aroung 60 million $ - but it is worth the cost!!.

And the machines who will be doing it all!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

World Press Photo 2008

British photographer Tim Hetherington has won this year’s prestigious World Press Photo Contest.

His photograph of a US soldier in the Korengal Valley in the Eastern province of Afghanistan beat more than 80,000 other images submitted this year.


The Chinese celebrated the Chinese New Year on 7th Feb, 2008.

Every blogger profile mentions his Zodiac Year.

And for bloggers born in this Chinese Year will have their Zodiac Year as - The Year of the Rat.

When you think of China, you always think about Beijing.

China's capital , Beijing, will be hosting the Olympics this year between 8th August to 24th August.

Beijing 2008

And with Beijing being mentioned, how can Shanghai be far behind.

Shanghai, located on the east coast, is that largest Chinese city and the nation's commercial capital.

And all of us have heard about Chinese Proverbs.

Friday, February 8, 2008

It's Never Too Late

Stunned by this pic??

Well, think about the people who have gone through it...

The young baby, only 9 months old, being thrown down a building on fire , for his safety....

His uncle, who took the decision to do so, even when baby's parents were against it...

His parents, who must have seen him in the air...

And the policeman, who must have had some very anxious moments before he caught the boy...

Split second decision saved the baby's life...

This image will reinforce the saying- It's never too late!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Coolidge Effect

Came across this silly theory while reading a news article...

Some information about it can be found here

Coolidge Effect

More Information

Haven't we come across many ppl who have exhibited behavior as proposed by the theory??