Friday, December 14, 2007

Kaliningrad - Russian Exclave Oblast

Only after spending 4 days in Kaliningrad , discovered that it is physically separate from the Russian mainland..

Quite a big task Russia has managed by keeping Kaliningrad in its flock, with a spate of breakaway states from the erstwhile USSR around it.

An interest article about Kaliningrad seen in the link below.

And a picture to know where we actually are. :-)

One of the major attractions around Kaliningrad is the Black Sea.

Some information here

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Ghost Who Walks

Courtesy King Features, Nostalgic information about Phantom , a.k.a. The Man Who Cannot Die, a.k.a. The Guardian of the Eastern Dark...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Quote Unquote

A very good webpage indicating the usage of Quoation Marks in HTML, XML and SGML pages

Saturday, October 27, 2007


From Google Labs, a very useful software for people from India


Monday, October 15, 2007

Who is destined for Glory??

With the Formula 1 2007 racing season drawing to a close, its a 3 way battle between Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, and Kimi Raikkonen for the title.

This article covers it all

Needless to say, my bet ( rather my heart ) is with Ferrari to win...

Will he make it...

Only time will tell.

Raceday - Sunday 21st October, 2007 - 8.00 PM Moscow Time.

A Moment Please